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Convention 2005 - at LEA April 08 2005

Date: Friday, April 08 2005
Time: 14:00 - 17:00 (Introducion only 1h)
Place: ETH Building: LEA near StuZ (VSETH) map

More informations about this event: here
. Our second convention took place in the LEA. The building is located near the ETH Center (Hauptgebaeude) and directly next to the StuZ (where all the student parties are). Here is the address: Leonhardstrasse 15, 8001 Zuerich. See the map, if you want to make sure not to miss it: map from map.search.ch.

The Convention program:

Don't forget to take your laptops with you: we will have internet connection and all the software needed to program Orxonox. Especially in the Workshop we want you all to participate and everyone will program a little to see how easy it is.

We will be talking about some realy important topics like, and we will need your ideas: