Picture Description'; readfile("$galleryPic"."_desc"); print "
File: " . $pic . "
"; } else { print '

Picture Description

'; print "no description available."; print "
File: " . $pic . "
"; } print ""; } showSections($galleryDir, $section, true); function showSections($galleryDir, $showSec, $invert) { // Checks for all the sections in the gallery. if (is_dir($galleryDir)) { $dh = opendir($galleryDir); while (false !== ($section = readdir($dh))) { if (is_dir("$galleryDir/$section") && strncmp($section, ".", 1) && (($invert == true && $section != $showSec) || ($invert == false && $section == $showSec))) { $sections[] = $section; echo '

Section: ' . $section . '

'; picture($galleryDir, $section); } } } else { echo "gallery-directory not found: $galleryDir
"; } } function picture($galleryDir, $sectionDir) { $fullDir = "$galleryDir/$sectionDir"; // Checks for the Files in the subsection if (is_dir($fullDir)) { $dh = opendir($fullDir); while (false !== ($fileName = readdir($dh))) { if (is_file("$fullDir/$fileName") /* file exists */ && preg_match("/\.jpg/", $fileName) /* fileName is jpeg */ && strncmp($fileName, ".", 1) /* FileName does not start with Dot */ && !preg_match("/_thumb/", $fileName) /* fileName is not a ThumbNail */ && !preg_match("/_desc/", $fileName)) /* fileName is not a description */ { $pictures[] = preg_replace("/\.jpg/", "", $fileName); } } sort($pictures); /*$picsLeft = $picsPerRow;*/ for ($i = 0; $i < count($pictures); $i++) { print " $pictures[$i] "; } print"
\n"; } } ?>