# global settings # settings for individual pages [projectInfo] backgroundPicture = "pictures/speeder.jpg" [getOrxonox] #use "Download" instead of "getOrxonox" in the page header alternateHeaderString = "Download" [screenShots] # preview pictures have to be 300 or 600 px wide # screenshot table looks like this: # # 0a 0b # 1a 1b # .. .. # # tag = "empty" -> table cell is left empty # tag = "double" -> picture_a is stretched over two cells # tell php how many rows with pictures to create tableRows = 7 pic_0a_file = "game_2004_05_04.gif" pic_0a_tag = "game scene from may 4th 2004" pic_0b_file = "game_2004_11_11.gif" pic_0b_tag = "game scene from november 11th 2004" pic_1a_file = "fighter.jpg" pic_1a_tag = "a fighter-model created by bensch?" pic_1b_file = "speeder.jpg" pic_1b_tag = "who did that?" pic_2a_file = "cover.jpg" pic_2a_tag = "have a look at the cover" pic_2b_file = "gui.jpg" pic_2b_tag = "graphical user interface" pic_3a_file = "invasion.jpg" pic_3a_tag = "blablabla" pic_3b_file = "" pic_3b_tag = "double" pic_4a_file = "orxobot.jpg" pic_4a_tag = "texttexttext" pic_4b_file = "" pic_4b_tag = "double" pic_5a_file = "desertsphere.jpg" pic_5a_tag = "the desert World" pic_5b_file = "" pic_5b_tag = "double" pic_6a_file = "logo1.jpg" pic_6a_tag = "orxonox-logo 1" pic_6b_file = "logo2.jpg" pic_6b_tag = "orxonox-logo 2"