compositor MotionBlur { technique { // Temporary textures texture scene target_width target_height PF_A8R8G8B8 texture sum target_width target_height PF_A8R8G8B8 texture temp target_width target_height PF_A8R8G8B8 target scene { // Render output from previous compositor (or original scene) input previous } target sum { // Render this target pass only initially, on the first frame that // this effect was enabled. This makes sure the sum texture // does not start with randomness. only_initial on input previous } target temp { // Start with clear texture input none // Combine scene and sum texture pass render_quad { // Renders a fullscreen quad with a material material Ogre/Compositor/Combine input 0 scene input 1 sum } } target sum { // Start with clear texture input none // Copy temporary back to sum pass render_quad { // Renders a fullscreen quad with a material material Ogre/Compositor/Copyback input 0 temp } } target_output { // Start with clear output input none // Draw a fullscreen quad with the blur pass render_quad { // Renders a fullscreen quad with a material material Ogre/Compositor/MotionBlur input 0 sum } } } }