ENet 1.3.1 (February 10, 2011):

* fixed bug in tracking of reliable data in transit
* reliable data window size now scales with the throttle
* fixed bug in fragment length calculation when checksums are used

ENet 1.3.0 (June 5, 2010):

* enet_host_create() now requires the channel limit to be specified as
a parameter
* enet_host_connect() now accepts a data parameter which is supplied 
to the receiving receiving host in the event data field for a connect event
* added an adaptive order-2 PPM range coder as a built-in compressor option
which can be set with enet_host_compress_with_range_coder()
* added support for packet compression configurable with a callback
* improved session number handling to not rely on the packet checksum
field, saving 4 bytes per packet unless the checksum option is used
* removed the dependence on the rand callback for session number handling

Caveats: This version is not protocol compatible with the 1.2 series or 
earlier. The enet_host_connect and enet_host_create API functions require
supplying additional parameters.

ENet 1.2.2 (June 5, 2010):

* checksum functionality is now enabled by setting a checksum callback
inside ENetHost instead of being a configure script option
* added totalSentData, totalSentPackets, totalReceivedData, and
totalReceivedPackets counters inside ENetHost for getting usage
* added enet_host_channel_limit() for limiting the maximum number of
channels allowed by connected peers
* now uses dispatch queues for event dispatch rather than potentially
unscalable array walking
* added no_memory callback that is called when a malloc attempt fails,
such that if no_memory returns rather than aborts (the default behavior),
then the error is propagated to the return value of the API calls
* now uses packed attribute for protocol structures on platforms with 
strange alignment rules
* improved autoconf build system contributed by Nathan Brink allowing 
for easier building as a shared library

Caveats: If you were using the compile-time option that enabled checksums,
make sure to set the checksum callback inside ENetHost to enet_crc32 to
regain the old behavior. The ENetCallbacks structure has added new fields,
so make sure to clear the structure to zero before use if 
using enet_initialize_with_callbacks().

ENet 1.2.1 (November 12, 2009):

* fixed bug that could cause disconnect events to be dropped
* added thin wrapper around select() for portable usage
* added ENET_SOCKOPT_REUSEADDR socket option
* factored enet_socket_bind()/enet_socket_listen() out of enet_socket_create()
* added contributed Code::Blocks build file

ENet 1.2 (February 12, 2008):

* fixed bug in VERIFY_CONNECT acknowledgement that could cause connect
attempts to occasionally timeout
* fixed acknowledgements to check both the outgoing and sent queues
when removing acknowledged packets
* fixed accidental bit rot in the MSVC project file
* revised sequence number overflow handling to address some possible
disconnect bugs
* added enet_host_check_events() for getting only local queued events
* factored out socket option setting into enet_socket_set_option() so
that socket options are now set separately from enet_socket_create()

Caveats: While this release is superficially protocol compatible with 1.1,
differences in the sequence number overflow handling can potentially cause
random disconnects.

ENet 1.1 (June 6, 2007):

* optional CRC32 just in case someone needs a stronger checksum than UDP 
provides (--enable-crc32 configure option)
* the size of packet headers are half the size they used to be (so less 
overhead when sending small packets)
* enet_peer_disconnect_later() that waits till all queued outgoing 
packets get sent before issuing an actual disconnect
* freeCallback field in individual packets for notification of when a 
packet is about to be freed
* ENET_PACKET_FLAG_NO_ALLOCATE for supplying pre-allocated data to a 
packet (can be used in concert with freeCallback to support some custom 
allocation schemes that the normal memory allocation callbacks would 
normally not allow)
* enet_address_get_host_ip() for printing address numbers
* promoted the enet_socket_*() functions to be part of the API now
* a few stability/crash fixes