<!-- --> <LevelInfo name = "Transporter" description = "Level with a Transporter. Demonstrates the docking system." tags = "showcase" screenshot = "transporter.png" /> <?lua include("HUDTemplates3.oxo") include("stats.oxo") include("templates/spaceshipAssff.oxt") include("templates/lodInformation.oxt") ?> <Level> <templates> <Template link="lodtemplate_default" /> </templates> <?lua include("includes/notifications.oxi") ?> <Scene ambientlight = "0.5, 0.5, 0.5" skybox = "Orxonox/skyBoxBasic" > <Light type="directional" position="0,0,0" direction="0.253, 0.593, -0.765" diffuse="1.0, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0" specular="1.0, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0" /> <?lua for i = 1, 10, 1 do ?> <SpawnPoint position="<?lua print(math.random() * 200 - 100) ?>,<?lua print(math.random() * 200 - 100) ?>,<?lua print(math.random() * 200 - 100) ?>" lookat="0,0,0" spawnclass="SpaceShip" pawndesign="spaceshipassff" /> <?lua end ?> <SpaceShip position = "280, 150, 115" orientation = "0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5" hudtemplate = "spaceshiphud" camerapositiontemplate = "spaceshipassffcameras" engine = "spaceshipassffengine" spawnparticlesource = "Orxonox/fairytwirl" spawnparticleduration = "3" explosionchunks = "6" health = "100" maxhealth = "200" initialhealth = "100" primaryThrust = "100;" auxilaryThrust = "30;" rotationThrust = "25;" collisionType = "dynamic" mass = "100" linearDamping = "0.7" angularDamping = "0.9999999" > <attached> <DistanceTriggerBeacon name="bcnSpaceShip" /> <DockingTarget name="spaceShip" /> <Model position="0,0,0" yaw="90" pitch="-90" roll="0" scale="4" mesh="assff.mesh" /> <BlinkingBillboard position="17,-1.5,0" material="Examples/Flare" colour="1.0, 0.5, 0.3" amplitude="0.1" frequency="0.5" quadratic="1" /> <BlinkingBillboard position="-17,-1.5,0" material="Examples/Flare" colour="0.5, 1.0, 0.3" amplitude="0.1" frequency="0.5" phase="180" quadratic="1" /> <DistanceTriggerBeacon name="PlayerDistanceTrigger" /> </attached> <collisionShapes> <BoxCollisionShape position="0,0,0" halfExtents="10, 3, 5" /> <BoxCollisionShape position="13,-1.3,0" halfExtents="3, 1, 2" /> <BoxCollisionShape position="-13,-1.3,0" halfExtents="3, 1, 2" /> <BoxCollisionShape position="0,0,7" halfExtents="3, 2, 2" /> <BoxCollisionShape position="0,0.1,-11" halfExtents="2.2, 1.8, 6" /> <BoxCollisionShape position="0,0.1,-19" halfExtents="1.4, 1, 2" /> </collisionShapes> <?lua include("includes/weaponSettingsAssff.oxi") ?> </SpaceShip> <Destroyer position = "100,150,100" collisionType = "dynamic" mass = "100000" velocity = "0,0,0" angularDamping = "0.9999999" health = "10000" maxhealth = "10000" initialhealth = "10000" > <attached> <DistanceTriggerBeacon name="bcnDestroyer" /> <DockingTarget name="destroyer" /> <Dock orientation="0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5"> <animations> <MoveToDockingTarget target="destroyer" position="10,150,40" /> </animations> <effects> <DockToShip target="spaceShip" /> </effects> <events> <execute> <EventListener event="dockMe" /> </execute> </events> <attached> <DistanceTrigger position="0,0,-200" distance="30" target="Pawn" beaconMode="exclude" targetname="bcnDestroyer" name="dockMe" /> <Billboard position="0,0,-200" material="Examples/Flare" colour="1.0, 0, 0" /> </attached> </Dock> <TeamSpawnPoint team="1" position="150,0,7" direction="-1,0,0" roll="90" yaw="0" spawnclass="SpaceShip" pawndesign="spaceshipassff" /> <TeamSpawnPoint team="1" position="0,0,7" lookat="-1,0,0" roll="90" yaw="0" spawnclass="SpaceShip" pawndesign="spaceshipassff" /> <TeamSpawnPoint team="1" position="-50,0,7" lookat="-1,0,0" roll="90" yaw="0" spawnclass="SpaceShip" pawndesign="spaceshipassff" /> <TeamSpawnPoint team="1" position="100,0,7" lookat="-1,0,0" roll="90" yaw="0" spawnclass="SpaceShip" pawndesign="spaceshipassff" /> <TeamSpawnPoint team="1" position="50,0,7" lookat="-1,0,0" roll="90" yaw="0" spawnclass="SpaceShip" pawndesign="spaceshipassff" /> <?lua for i = 1, 100, 1 do ?> <TeamSpawnPoint team="0" position="<?lua print((math.random() * 500 + 500) * (math.floor(math.random() + 0.5) * 2 - 1)) ?>,<?lua print((math.random() * 500 + 500) * (math.floor(math.random() + 0.5) * 2 - 1)) ?>,<?lua print((math.random() * 500 + 500) * (math.floor(math.random() + 0.5) * 2 - 1)) ?>" lookat="0,0,0" spawnclass="SpaceShip" pawndesign="spaceshipassff" /> <?lua end ?> <Model mesh="Carrier.mesh" scale="5" /> <Backlight mainstate="activity" active="false" scale="0.4" name="bltest" position=" 7.6, 0, 6" colour="0.2, 0.65, 1.0, 1.0" width="15" length="1500" lifetime="2" elements="50" trailmaterial="Trail/backlighttrail" turnontime="1" turnofftime="1" material="Flares/ThrusterFlare1" /> <Backlight scale="1" position=" 169, 75, -15" colour="1, 0.85, 0.5, 0.5" width="40" length="1000" lifetime="5" elements="15" trailmaterial="Trail/backlighttrail" material="Examples/Flare" /> <Backlight scale="1" position=" 169, -75, -15" colour="1, 0.85, 0.5, 0.5" width="40" length="1000" lifetime="5" elements="15" trailmaterial="Trail/backlighttrail" material="Examples/Flare" /> <?lua for i=0,8,1 do ?> <BlinkingBillboard position="<?lua print(200-270/8*i)?> ,15,2" material="Examples/Flare" colour="1.0, 0.5, 0.3" phase="<?lua print(-360/8*i)?>" amplitude="0.1" frequency="0.5" quadratic="1" /> <BlinkingBillboard position="<?lua print(200-270/8*i)?>,-15,2" material="Examples/Flare" colour="1.0, 0.5, 0.3" phase="<?lua print(-360/8*i)?>" amplitude="0.1" frequency="0.5" quadratic="1" /> <?lua end ?> </attached> <collisionShapes> <BoxCollisionShape position="70,0,-25" halfExtents="150, 50, 25" /> <BoxCollisionShape position="95,75,-16" halfExtents="70, 10, 12" /> <BoxCollisionShape position="95,-75,-16" halfExtents="70, 10, 12" /> <BoxCollisionShape position="77,47,30" halfExtents="110, 2, 30" /> <BoxCollisionShape position="77,-47,30" halfExtents="110, 2, 30" /> <BoxCollisionShape position="77,0,50" halfExtents="110, 45, 6" /> <BoxCollisionShape position="167,0,70" halfExtents="17, 20, 20" /> </collisionShapes> </Destroyer> </Scene> </Level>