// Example emitted emitters
particle_system Examples/Fireworks
     material Examples/Flare
     point_rendering            false
     particle_width             10
     particle_height            10
     cull_each                  false
     quota                      1000
     emit_emitter_quota         10
     billboard_type             point
     // Emitter that emits multiple Point emitters with name 'explosion'
     emitter Box
         name                    mainEmitter
         emit_emitter            explosion
         angle                   30
         emission_rate           1000
         time_to_live            3
         direction               0 1 0
         velocity                200

     // This Point emitter is emitted by the Box emitter and emits billboard particles itself
     emitter Point
         name                    explosion
         angle                   360
         emission_rate           1000
         time_to_live            2
         direction               0 1 0
         velocity                80
         duration                0.1
         repeat_delay_min        2
         repeat_delay_max        3

     // Make em float downwards
     affector LinearForce
         force_vector            0 -100 0
         force_application       add

     // Give em some nice colours
     affector ColourInterpolator
         time0                   0
         colour0                 1 1 0
         time1                   0.5
         colour1                 1 0 0
         time2                   0.9
         colour2                 0 0 1