
OGRE Team 
Steve Streeting	(sinbad)              
Thomas Muldowney (temas)
James O'Sullivan (_mental_)
Wladimir J. van der Laan (miathan6/wumpus)

Feature Contributors
The following list includes developers who have contributed features to OGRE:

Contributor                             Subject Areas 
-----------                             --------------------------------------
Adrian Cearnau (cearny)               : Codecs, dynamic library loading
Jon Anderson (janders)                : octree plugin
Martin Persson                        : Nature plugin
Jesse Rusak (jder) 	  				  : Mac OSX port
Etienne Mallard (earthquakeproof)	  : 3D Studio Model Exporter
Banania								  : ditto
Paolo Gavocanov (cTh) 				  : Initial D3D9 port, Meshviewer, 
                                        3D Studio Scene Exporter
Ivica Aracic (macross/bytelord)       : Ogre4J, Maya exporter, .scene format
Jeff Leigh							  : Sky enhancements, debug overlay
Jose A Milan (jamilan/spoke)          : Paging landscape plugin
Tuan Kuranes (kuranes)                : ditto
Stephan Kaiser (psyclonist)           : OgreFsrad, OgreLMTS, .scene format
Philippe Culet                        : Attaching objects to bones
Jon L. Griffeth (silent3)             : GUI enhancements
Dan Sonnemann (oberleutnantdan)       : Timers
Amit Mathew                           : Profiler
Dennis Verbeek                        : Lightwave exporter
David Whittaker                       : Displacement mapping terrain
Chris Groskopf (staringmonkey)        : OgreTok
Jeff Doyle (nfz)                      : ATI_fragment_shader compiler, 
                                        paging landscape
Patrick Kooman                        : Overlay editor
Doug Wolanick (icetec)                : DotSceneOctree exporter & plugin
John Van Vliet (granite/fifty1)       : Maya exporter
Marcin Zukowski (eru)                 : Demo_CubeMapping and Demo_Water
Jens Hoffmann                         : Blender exporter
Michael Reimpell                      : Blender exporter
Sam le Pirate                         : BMP support
Attila Tajti (attis)                  : Wings3D exporter
? (Firestorm)                         : Particle scale and rotate affectors
Lee Sandberg                          : Hardware occlusion query support
Phillip Castaneda (pjcast)            : External texture sources / dynamic
Henry Goffin (qsilver)				  : Ultra-fast scaling code in 
Federico Di Gregorio (fog)			  : Debian packaging

The following people have been notable in their support of OGRE through the
fixing of bugs, testing patches, and various other miscellaneous contributions:

Timo Keller (norondion) 
Kai-Peter Backman
Daniel Wessl?n
Benny Kramek (wolfman8k) 
Riku Nurminen (rakkis)
Christopher John Gilbert (thegilb)
Martin Pollard (xmp)
Nikita Mikros (santanopoulos)
Chris Heald (antiarc)
Michael Casaday
Evgeni Popov
Chris McGuirk (leedgitar)
Te'ja (thiveertm)
Keith Jackson
G Nikolakis
Christian Lindequist Larsen (DWORD)
Chris Heald (Antiarc)
Green Eyed Monster (monster)

If we've forgotten you in the above list, please contact us!

See Readme.html in the Docs folder for more details, in particular information on the media supplied with the demos.


Copyright 1999-2004 The OGRE Team.

This file is part of OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine).

OGRE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

OGRE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with OGRE; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.